PTO News Letter

Welcome to another great year at the East Brentwood Children’s Academy. As President of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), I would like to invite you to become an active member of the PTO. The PTO is comprised of parent volunteers who work in coordination with the EBCA's administration and families to enhance the education of students by supporting programs and events, assisting teachers and staff, and fundraising.
Areas of PTO involvement include:
Culture & Career Awareness - Arrange for guest speakers to speak to students on a particular culture or career.
Family Support - Coordinate meals or other types of support to staff/student families during a significant event such as birth of a child or family loss.
Preschool Play Dates - Organize play dates throughout the school year so children and parents can get to know one another outside of school.
Fundraising - Manage fundraisers to support Teacher Appreciation, Capital Improvements and Scholarship Funds for preschool families in financial need.
Library - Collaborates with teachers to promote early literacy skills, purchase new library materials, and maintain the library collection.
Parent Coffee Hour - Organize coffee breaks for parents to get to know each other several times during the school year.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation - Coordinate and deliver staff and teacher birthday gifts and Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring.
Playground - Collaborates with staff and teachers to introduce children to gardening and improve the playground landscape.
Please be on lookout for more specific information on dates and times for this school year’s events. If you are an EBCA parent and would like to get involved with any of the above efforts, please contact me for more information.
Claire Coleman
PTO President